Lectures/Seminars on Maria Magdalena
Course: Maria Magdalena / the Christ Maria in my heart See the other Lectures/Seminars In this painting, located
in almost the exact center of the picture is a red X in the bodice of
the gown of the Madonna.
red X, the secret esoteric symbol of the heretical church, was the
antiestablishment symbol for truth. It signaled the fundamental flaw
in orthodox Christian doctrine: the denial of the wife of Jesus.
letter X conveyed to the heretics the meaning of “true
enlightenment”. This symbol was used consciously to signal
knowledge of the Hermetic or esoteric tradition.
Christ Child is holding three small, golden spears. These may be
thought to represent the nails he was to suffer on the cross, but
more probably they are the esoteric symbol for the triple shafts of
enlightenment, a popular motif of medieval alchemists and
the painting and the text from Margaret Starbird's book "The Lady
with the Alabaster Jar, Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail" | ![17](../images/17.jpg)
| Madonna of the Book by Botticelli |